Let’s Build Something Together.

Greg Wilker
2 min readMay 23, 2020

I dont shop at the home depot. As a former employee i prefer Menards. only because i know where everything is.

twenty years later i still get asked where to find something as if i still work there. so thats fun too. baffles my kids when it happens.

But i love the home depot slogan. Let’s Build Something Together.

I can get just about anything accomplished without much help. But the older my kids get; the less they need me to help get anything accomplished.

And that is really fun to watch. I peek in. give directions; give advice; lend a hand or a little tip (rhys calls them hacks) now and then. And then i get to stand back and watch them do it.

they dont always create perfection. but then, i dont either. but they get the job done.

yes. i am tooting my horn tonight. because i know that i had something to do with the way they are able to be creative and productive.

and i am proud of that.

but it wasnt me. i didnt teach them this.

since they were just tiny, i have purposely put other trusted men in charge of them in these situations. because dad wont always be their boss. at the time i thought it was about teaching them to hear different ways of giving direction.

but it has done so much more than that for them. because it has shown them how to understand different perspectives. how to think in new ways. and they have been lucky enough to learn things from men who know how to get shit done.

and a lot of those men have taught them how to get shit done that i dont know how to do.

role models are an amazing thing. mentors are priceless.

i have been blessed to be surrounded for many years by men with varied abilities. and by men who like little kids and dont mind teaching them a thing or two.

my boys have been blessed tenfold by the same thing.

and tomorrow; we are going to build something together. Me, My Sons, and a few of those Men who have been willing to be mentors to them.

I cant wait.

I wont sleep much tonight.

Because we are going to build something together.

